Tell us about your business or the work you do, including what you provided at the event you most recently sponsored.
I own, operate and am the exclusive DJ for MY DFW DJ – Weddings and events. I provide music entertainment for couples that are getting married as well as corporate events. I most recently sponsored our DFW Chapter NACE March meeting. As opposed to a sit down dinner, this meeting was setup as a strolling buffet. As a result, I was able to have a bit more fun with the music as the energy was different. There was movement and chatter at dinner time, so I wanted the music to match that activity. I also had the opportunity to fire up some cool “walk up” music as my colleagues approached and exited the stage, and the feedback from that was awesome!
What do you love most about the work you do?
What I love most is that I am able to provide mood-appropriate music for such a grand life celebration as a wedding. As we all know, music effects moods. There’s music that can motivate you in the gym. There’s music that soothes when things are intense. There’s also music that tells any couple’s love story. That’s what I enjoy most. Learning everything I can about a couple so that as that music plays, everyone can connect to that couple’s personal love story. I don’t believe in standard playlists. Not even for dinner or cocktail hour. Nearly every song can be about that couple and their love. The journey of learning that story and connecting the music is the first part of what I love. The end result is the icing on the cake.
Which best describes you? Iphone/Mac, Iphone/PC, Android/Mac, Android/PC?
I am 100% an Apple guy. Windows is an ex. I’m not a Windows hater. When it was good, it was actually great. They lost their way with Windows Vista. After that, I went Mac and never looked back. Windows has since rebounded but my tech world is so Apple-centric, there’s no need to interrupt the synergy.
When you’re not working, what are you doing?
I enjoy cooking, listening to other DJs and vacations with my wife and family.
Tell us one thing on your bucket list.
I would absolutely skydive (once) with a reputable company.
Is there a song you wish they would stop playing at events?
I don’t know if there’s a song I wish they would stop playing at events. I do however wish that the sentiment that a line dance will “instantly” pack the floor not be such an auto-pilot notion. It’s correct. Most line dances WILL pack the floor. But I have to think beyond those 4 minutes. I have to have a road map to the very end. Just hastily tossing on a song to appease the moment without a roadmap to the next 2 or 3 serves no one.
If you had one extra hour of free time a day, how would you use it?With an uninterrupted and unaccounted for extra hour, I would absolutely use it to discover new music. Keeping up with American radio hits is as easy as keeping up with a soap opera. You don’t have to find American radio hits. They will find you. They’re in commercials, they’re playing in the store, you hear them streamed by friends without effort. It’s just part of the American music landscape. But I love international music. I love EDM. I love African Music. I love Caribbean music. There just isn’t enough time in the day to keep up with it all. Yet. “the music” is what I remain most passionate about. A big part of that passion is that music is not one dimensional. So many facets. So many genres. So many sounds. So many influences. I love it all. Time is just limited.