Tell us about your business or the work you do:

I’m the special events manager at the Meadows Museum, SMU. The museum’s vision is to be the leading center in the United States for exhibition, research and education in the arts and culture of Spain.  I plan museum events, create video content through my weekly web series, Culture Corner, and handle the museum’s facility rental business. 

What do you love most about the work you do?

I love to tell stories through events.  I love the creative aspect of my work and making engaging experiences (both virtually and in-person) to delight museum stakeholders.

What Committee are you on for NACE and what do you do?

I’ve just joined the communications committee.  I help to manage DFW-NACE’s presence on social media.

Which best describes you? Iphone/Mac, Iphone/PC, Android/Mac, Android/PC?

iPhone,  Mac for home/PC for work

When you’re not working, what are you doing?

I’m usually running (while listening to an audio book) or at barre class. My husband and I love to go to theater, watch movies, and spend time with our dogs and cat. 

Tell us one thing on your bucket list

A trip to India. 

Is there a song you wish they would stop playing at events?

We see a lot of Spanish guitar at my venue. Unfortunately, some guitarists choose to play “Rainbow Connection” over and over again.

If you had one extra hour of free time a day, how would you use it?

I’d spend it exploring my neighborhood and trying new places.