Are you receiving our emails??
For active members, it’s important to keep your contact information updated with NACE national so that you will receive communication from our local DFW NACE chapter.
If any of your contact information has changed recently – such as your email, phone number, or mailing address – you will need to update that information with NACE National so that we can update our local DFW NACE roster and member email list. Log in to your account at http://www.nace.net to update your information ASAP and our local roster will be updated. If you are having issues logging in or recovering your password, email chapters@nace.net with your updated information.
As a reminder, if you have created your DFW NACE member directory profile, you can email communications@dfwnace.com to update your information on your profile. And if you don’t have a DFW NACE member profile yet, you can create your own! Just follow the instructions on our Member Directory page.