Tell us about your business or the work you do. 

I design and produce events for client’s special occasions in their lives that will create a lasting memory.

What year did you join NACE? 

May 24, 2000

How do you define success?

Everyone measures success differently and life is a series of successes…and sometimes failures.  However, no one is a success on their own.  It takes the support of friends and family that gives you the positive drive to be successful.  In the hospitality industry you have to have the best and most reputable industry contacts on your “team” when designing and producing special events for you to be known as  a success in this industry.

What would the title of your autobiography be?

The Nobelist Art is That of Making Others Happy!

Tell us your favorite NACE memory.

While I have been blessed with so many great moments and memories the favorite has to be hearing my name announced as the 2011 National Caterer of the Year Award recipient and to have my Dallas NACE family with me for the presentation.

Advice for newer members of NACE?

Passion…Perseverance…Patience!  Have a deep passion for the industry and what you do…Persevere through the highest of highs and the lowest of lows in order to stay grounded as a person…Have Patience while building your foundation of industry contacts as well as your reputation as a leader in the industry. 

Over the years what is the most important thing you have gained through NACE?

Overall NACE does an incredible job with education.  Anyone can find a speaker or topic of interest no matter at what level of experience you are at in your career.  However, I find the most important thing that I gain through NACE is the many relationships I have through NACE, both in Dallas and throughout the nation!  These are not only people that I work with on events but people that I get counsel from as well as people that are like family…no matter how infrequently we see each other.